So proud and excited for Helen. This release holds so much love and talent and beauty. Way to go! Spread the good word!!!
Helen Rose's new record, Rugged Elegance is out NOW on all your favorite platforms! Link below for more details on this incredible album.
For weary citizens of a world, Rugged Elegance is a salve for the soul. Helen Rose’s honey-smooth voice washes away the dust of our strange days and transports us somewhere sweeter — from the sun-warmed canyons of California to the color-streaked levee sunsets of New Orleans.
Mary Sack had wide, warm, and generous wings that she folded around any and all who were blessed to be invited into her nest. Mary took me under her wings and showed me the world of Nashville through her eyes. She shared her experience, wisdom, tutelage, and guidance with myself and my daughter Helen Rose with no expectations other than “Please, come and enjoy, see how incredible all these people are! And have a Miller while you’re at it. You sit there and talk with … ”.
To say Mary connected people is an understatement. She possessed an innate sensibility and wisdom of knowing just who we need to meet in this world. She put musicians with musicians, artists with writers, performers with performers, created support teams for everybody, made lists and plans and timelines and took care of all of the tangential necessities from box office to follow ups to ‘Where do we go from here?’. The world is not the same without her. There is a gulf, an abyss, to be filled with sorrow and remembrances, memories, stories, and pictures. This is our responsibility; to keep her soul memory alive by remembering what she gave us and to perpetuate the spirit, energy, and love she shared with us all. Let’s keep the Mary going.
Mary Sack - Celebration of Life Sunday, July 14 3 to 5pm at The 5 Spot in East Nashville. Details Here: https://www.facebook.com/events/480531011099893/
I don't have any pictures of Mary and myself. Other people do. But here's a song that could very well be about Mary. She always liked that I chose the name 'Mary' for the title.
(Photo by John Partipilo)

"...Chugging rattle of the instruments seduces with a Roots dreamscape that glides through the song as the story looks to its future."

( Alexander Wright )
2Ton Bridge is the musical persona of singer/songwriter/actor Alexander Wright: a hands-on troubadour with a voice of reason digging deep into rich musical soil. The cultivated songs are colorful portraits of the struggle for dignity and significance by a man confronting personal watershed moments. These weathered smiles and measured voices of watermen, farmers, men of the earth live inside a love song, a worried ode, a hopeful anthem; like a memory that has yet to happen. Produced by Marvin Etzoni. Full CD out NOW!